We invite you to the 13th Annual Hebgen Lake ice fishing tournament: meet and greets, camaraderie, cash,raffle and prizes. And, while you are here, enjoy all the winter activities our area has to offer. The actual Ice Fishing Tournament is a single day event held on Saturday, January 11th, 7:30am to 2pm (or January 25 if needed to reschedule)
The West Yellowstone / Hebgen Lake Tournament on January 10-11, 2025 is a mix of socializing and competition, with a maximum entry of 75 two-persons teams. This Tournament will have an estimated prize pool of at least $10,000.00 (based on 50 teams). Plus, there are cash payouts from the Calcutta on Fridayday night benefitting the Kids’N’Snow Ice Fishing Camps.
Hebgen it is known as the Lake that tilted, in August of 1959 at about 11:00 pm an earthquake 7.4 magnitude from the red canyon fault shifted changing the lakes shape dramatically.
The lake hosts a great population of nice sized “Natural Reproducing” trout. The trout swim into the tributaries and spawn annually. Rainbows and Cutthroat in the spring and the Browns in the fall. The Madison River is the main river supplying most of the water. The Madison flows out of Yellowstone National Park just a few miles when it hits the lake area.
The lake freezes typically in November and then opens again in May thus the ice fishing season is long. We try to hold the tournament in early January when the ice is thick enough to hold our large event with snow machines and all the stuff, we all bring.
Fishing techniques vary from nymphs, vertical jigging spoons, soft plastic and various secret combinations of lures and bait.
Hebgen Lake is in a high mountain valley (6,540 feet above the sea level) that requires that you prepare for fast changing conditions, because the wind can come out of nowhere suddenly. Also, before the sun shines the temperatures can be challenging. The “on ice conditions” can test your skills, as the snow will fall and then the snow will draw up the water creating pockets of slush causing it to be difficult to get around.
The prize money is 80% of the entry fees. The actual pay out amounts may vary based on the teams that enter. 50 teams has been the average of the last 5 years.
Thanks Firehole Ranch, Kirkwood Marina, Destination Yellowstone (dba Chamber/CVB), West Yellowstone Businesses (MAP Fund), Northwestern Energy, and individual and business donors, who have all contributed through the years to make this event possible.